





 Verified information




Brand your info.


Verifysource.com gives the reader the ability to do a better evaluation of the content on the internet. It lets the informationprovider give his content more weight by providing the reader with verified information about the writer whitout revealing his identity.


How is this done


By creating an account at verifysource.com you create a VCV(Verified Currum Vitate). This is a CV-style board with verified information about enployment, studies, working material and reports. See VCV



This board can the be used as a genuine base to link to when creating entyies in newsgruops and blogs, applying for a job or making a name on the internet. 





Jon works as a vetrenarian, He reads and writes entries on different issues on the internet about hes work. He might not what to use hes real name but he does want to get correct information and he also want to contribute to the group by providing solutions to others. 


By signing hes responses with a link  to hes VCV, he can prove hes skills but stay anonymous. He can trust the given information by reading the VCV of the others in the group.  














Development »
Verifysource.com is now under development








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